PERSONAL PROBLEMS AND DELAYS: In TVia #32 I indicated that I was having personal problems. These have not abated as of this writing but have ac- tually worsened. Since Chevalier can be regarded as Community Property it has been tied up thru the Court pending a hearing concerning my income. This of course, has made it difficult to carry on various as- pects of the business the last 3 weeks. I hope you will all understand and forgive the delays and apparent in- difference to letters, etc. I'm really tied up in knots and am lucky to get this issue put together at all. But, "This too shall pass away".
ANNUAL FOUNDATION REPORT: I'm just going to have to ask your indulgence again about this. It should have been out a long time ago, but it isn't and wont be for awhile yet. I just have a habit of biting off more than I can chew I guess, but I just seem un- able to keep up with things. Please bear with me.
III. REQUEST FOR ARTICLES: Some time ago our good Theta FPE president made a suggestion fhat I have overlooked mentioning. She was impressed by an article that Sheila wrote some time ago on the TV- Engineer. She suggested that it would be interesting to ask others of you who were willing and able to con- tribute articles about the way in which your TVism integrated with your career work---how it helped or hindered. Such articles might make very interesting reading and could also prove helpful to others trying to make peace with themselves. So how about a few of you getting down to making such a contribution.??